ELITE BEAUTY USA® State Pageant Info **State titles are awarded on a first come, first serve basis. *Contestants compete against themselves and MUST earn a score of at least 70 out of 100 in at least 3 of the scoring categories to be awarded a STATE title (at least 80 out of 100 for a NATIONAL title). Contestants do not receive score sheets but may request a list of the top 3 scoring factors. If a contestant does not receive the required score, he or she will be given another chance to re-apply (free of charge) and will receive a detailed critique sheet on ways to improve his or her score. Scoring Criteria: Contestants will be given a score of 1-100 on the following factors: *Facial Beauty- 1-100 points *Achievements - 1-100 points *Overall Impression- 1-100 points *Community Service- 1-100 points *Model Potential- 1-100 points *Entry Presentation- 1-100 points *Previous Pageant Experience (ie: special awards, titles, honors, etc) - 1-100 points *Quality of Photos: 1-100 points *Leadership: 1-100 points The top 3 scores will be kept and averaged for the overall score.
To Enter the State Competition: *Economy Package: Fee: $15 PRIZES SPONSOR PRIZE (This item will be emailed with the queen announcement.) *Basic Package: Fee: $45 PRIZES *Color will vary depending upon season. SPONSOR PRIZES: (These items will be emailed with the queen announcement.) Supreme Package: Fee: $55 PRIZES
SPONSOR PRIZES: (These items will be emailed with the queen announcement.)
Deluxe Package:
SPONSOR PRIZES: (These items will be emailed with the queen announcement.)
Ultimate Package: $125 *A deluxe trimmed custom title sash with options for the appearance of the title display - Option #1 Elite Beauty of (State) Option #2 Miss/Ms./Mrs. + State as Main Text with Elite Beauty placed as shoulder text Option #3 Full Division Title (ie: Glorious Mrs.)+ State as Main Text with Elite Beauty placed as shoulder text *Beautiful Full Round Crown- Style may vary depending on age division. We reserve the right to replace the crown above with one of equal or greater value.
STATE OPTIONALS: Contestant must be entered in the main competition in order to compete in optional categories. **Judging Factors and instructions for each category are posted on the State Entry Form State Optional Prizes: *Optional wins will be listed on the Certificate of Recognition. If 2 or more optional titles are awarded, a sash pin will be included in the prize box. -Optional title sashes are available as an upgrade on the entry form. The style of tiara and color of sash may vary according to season and division. Please view the Queen's Gallery for examples of attire. Queens who apply for multiple season titles may request different sash colors and tiara/crown styles. Sponsor prizes are bonuses only. Please do not view the sponsor prizes as a part of the official Elite Beauty prize package. Please see the Terms & Policies on the Entry Form. Elite Beauty's Official Crown Supplier is: Tiara Connection Pageant Crowns Elite Beauty USA ® is a quality online pageant produced by Pageant Emporium